In the meantime, Houston predicts marijuana companies are more likely to flock to banks. 与此同时,休斯顿预测大麻公司更有可能会涌向银行。
Investors didn't flock to WSP even after it reduced its offering price. 尽管WSP控股下调了募股价,但投资者并未因此趋之若鹜。
Many experts now expect more superdelegates will flock to Obama in the wake of Tuesday's primaries. 许多专家认为,在星期二的胜利后,更多的超级代表就会趋之若骛,支持奥巴马。
Otherwise customers flock to the competition that can. 否则,顾客就会流往能够满足其需求的竞争方。
Traders tend to flock to the deepest markets where they can enter and exit without moving prices. 交易员们倾向于涌入最具深度的市场,因为他们在那里可以在不影响价格的情况下进出市场。
Just been made outcast, ready to fight the flock to the death. 刚被驱逐出去,准备迎战鸥群至死。
Tourists flock to see the red sand, making red beach one of santorini's most popular beach destinations. 游客络绎不绝来此一睹红沙,使得红海滩成为圣托里尼最有人气的海滩景点之一。
As more Asians flock to the sport, wakeboarding is sure to make waves across the region. 随着愈来愈多亚洲玩家投入这项运动,尾波滑水一定会在亚洲地区掀起热潮。
A delight for tourists to flock to the spectacle and color of shaolin. 这是蜂拥而至欣赏少林盛况的游客的乐事。
A common charge against transnational companies is that they flock to poor countries with lax environmental standards. 跨国公司常受到的指控之一,就是他们蜂拥至贫穷而环境标准宽松的国家。
Retail investors remain extremely cautious on equities, preferring to flock to high-quality corporate bonds. 散户投资者仍对股市极为谨慎,他们更愿意涌向高质量的公司债券。
Shanghai now is the place where people flock to for business, vacation and to gain an "experience". 今天的上海是一个人们因为做生意、旅行和获取某种“阅历”,而聚集在此的地方。
Experts say many will now flock to servers overseas to establish websites. 专家们表示现在很多用户将会涌到海外服务器建立网站。
They need no holiday excuses to flock to shopping centers and stores to look for the latest merchandise. 他们不需要以节日为借口蜂拥至购物中心和商店去寻找最新的商品。
In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries. 夏季游人成群结队到博物馆和艺术馆参观。
Ourists flock to the village. 旅游者成群地到村庄。
Will people flock to airlines that offer inflight calling, or avoid them? 人们会蜂拥而至选择那些提供机上手机通话服务的航空公司,还是对其避而不及?
In this world of heightened uncertainty, investors naturally flock to safety. 在这个不确定性加剧的世界里,投资者自然会涌向安全资产。
Why investors first flock to these markets and why they often suffer losses. 为什麽投资人一窝蜂到这些市场,又为什麽他们往往蒙受各种损失。
Families flock to the beach to soak in the sun and sand throughout the year. 一年四季,人们都可以躺在沙滩上享受温暖的阳光。
Tourists still flock to the tower of london. 游客们仍在向伦敦塔蜂拥而去。
The vicar invited all the members of his flock to attend the church fete on saturday. 那位牧师邀请了他那教区的所有人参加星期六的教堂庆典。
Land and raise your banners, and men will flock to your cause. 登陆吧,举起你的旗帜,人们会为你的事业团结在一起的。
Thousands flock to the country's numerous hot springs for recreation. 成千上万人聚集到国家许多温泉里娱乐消遣。
For refusing to join the flock to which you were born. 拒绝加入你出生的鸥群。
And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. 牧人无路逃跑。群众的头目也无法逃脱。
Lovers of surfing& def sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean. 冲浪、帆船和潜水的爱好者群集于海中。
Zhang, however, feels sorry that the mainland audience has failed to flock to either of her films. 然而,大陆观众对她两部电影的反应并不热烈,这让她感到难过。
Thousands of people flock to the bull ring to watch this intense and entertaining competition between man and animal. 成千上万的观众涌入斗牛场,观赏人与牛之间激烈而有趣的角逐。
Even to this day, tourists flock to Rome to visit the Mouth of Truth with their lovers and eat ice cream on the Spanish Steps. 即使到今天,仍有许多游客和爱人一起到罗马参观真理之口,坐在西班牙台阶上吃冰淇淋。